Fundación Sinchi Sacha
Our name, Sinchi Sacha, is in Quichua and means powerful forest, in recognition of the cultural and natural diversity found in Amazonian tropical rainforest. We are an organization certified by WFTO -World Fair Trade Organization- that has over 30 years working with artisans in Ecuador by promoting their crafts and supporting them innovate and showcase their products with several development projects.

Our mission
Promote fair trade, artisanal innovation, the development of capacities in small producers, cultural revitalization and the restoration of the natural and cultural heritage of Ecuador, as a contribution to sustainable development, the adequate use of natural resources and overcoming poverty.
The Mindalae Museum
The Mindalae Museum, created by the Foundation in 2007, works with artisans with the purpose of serving vulnerable populations so that they can obtain, through the sale of their handicrafts, sufficient economic resources to support their families and improve their conditions of life. At the same time we aim to preserve the ancestral craft techniques over time, developing new markets locally and internationally.
The Mindalae Museum takes its name from an emblematic character of the North Andean region: the Mindala was a merchant of the ancient Indigenous American Continent. We have chosen this emblematic character because our aim is to honor him by being a dynamic cultural space that connect people, share knowledge and practice fair trade in order to promote the sustainability of small producers. We are glad to play a similar role in society as the Mindala did.
In our exhibitions you will find a rich symbolic overview of Ecuadorian handicrafts. You will explore the history, esthetics and the cosmogonic and utilitarian concepts of local artisans and their artistic manifestations.

Our Values
We are a certified fair trade organization that adheres to the principles of the World Fair Trade Organization:
- Support small producers in the marketing of their products in a transparent and reliable manner
- Empowerment of women so that their daily work is recognized, her products reach the market and her performance as an artisan is appreciated locally, nationally and internationally.
- The construction of capacities that allows innovation and optimum quality.
- The environment as a responsibility of all the inhabitants of the planet.
- Cultural identity, the root from which we are born and develop.
Tienda de comercio justo
En la Planta baja se ha instalado una Tienda de Comercio Justo de Artesanías, donde el visitante podrá adquirir piezas de calidad traídas directamente de las comunidades indígenas y campesinas del país.

International Campaign Guardians of the forest
The amazon rain forest wants to live! Amazonia
The Kichwa Amazon women of Ecuador have an important heritage legacy that is transmitted from mothers to daughters since ancient times. Their art is the MUKAWAS (ceramic bowls) and SUPAI (sculptures that represent personified elements of the rainforest). They employ traditional ceramist techniques for modeling and painting their art. The Sinchi Sacha Foundation is leading a campaign to showcase their art in order to preserve it by creating a worldwide effort to support this artform through fair trade.
La Fundación Sinchi Sacha está liderando una campaña para dar a conocer este arte y ponerla en el escenario mundial para que el gran público las conozca y las apoye a través de sus compras.